
It has come to our attention that one of the plugins on this site has recently been out of action, resulting in unresolved links and an absence of folders for the files. This problem has now been resolved. Our apologies to anyone who was affected by this.

Wishing you all a Happy Christmas and a Peaceful New Year, our thoughts go out to those who will not be fortunate enough to enjoy peace or sufficiency this year.  

On April 26th 2022 an email was received explaining that Scouts.ie had launched a redesigned version of their website www.scouts.ie. Click here to read the full text of the email

Apparently the aim was to produce a website that is easier to use, up to date and compatible with the new member management system – Online Scout Manager (OSM).

The communication went on to explain that the website had been redesigned to serve public, parents, potential new members, and funders and that therefore it no longer contains resources, policies and other documents which are for members only.

We were told that:

  • The documents have been moved to issuu.com for the time being, while we wait for the launch of OSM.
  • You should be able to find everything you need in Issuu.
  • Please look at the stacks tab to find folders which may be helpful.

It would seem that Issuu is not easy to navigate and locating specific documents is a matter of scrolling through lists of thumbnails, also there is no sign of the promised access via OSM.

This website has been setup to try to bridge the gap and to make the resources a little more accessible for those who wish to refer to them.

The site administrator in not in a position to make any assurances about whether these materials are appropriate or fit for purpose, and wishes to advise the reader that some appear to be out-of-date but still in use, some refer to roles and structures which no longer seem to be in place, and there may be some policies, procedures or guidelines which should be in place but are not.

If you are unable to locate anything you feel should be there, please drop the administration an email at info@irelandscouts.ie