ONE Programme – Our Youth Programme

ONE Programme is the programme of Scouting Ireland and is used in all 5 Programme Sections. This principle means that each Section of Scouting Ireland delivers the programme in a similar way. ONE Programme delivers the Aim (SPICES) of our Association through the use of the Scout Method and the entire programme operates on the basis of Plan, Do and Review.

The cornerstone of ONE Programme is the involvement of young people in the creation and management of their own Scouting experience/journey in an age appropriate way. The role of the Scouter is in assisting, supporting, facilitating and motivating. The Scouter should be a role model, rather than the boss.

All Scouters should be familiar with the programme for each section so you are in a position to offer appropriate support to other Scouters and to our youth members, as well as information to members of the public who might request it.

It’s not all about activities or Adventure Skills. The training provided for Programme Scouters will enable them to use the programme books, as well as the other tools and resources correctly. They will be able to network with other Scouters at training courses and at County level as these occasions provide an excellent support mechanism and ideas pool. Each Scouter Team must ensure that they understand the programme, that the young people are fully involved in executing their programme and ideas and that they are represented at Group Council by their peers (members of the PL Forum, Venture Executive etc.).

ONE Programme was developed to deliver on our Educational Proposal

The Aim (SPICES) – The Aim of Scouting Ireland is to encourage the physical, intellectual, character, emotional, social and spiritual development of young people so they may achieve their full potential and, as responsible citizens, to improve society. This is achieved through the SPICES; 36 section-specific, age appropriate learning objectives which form part of the Personal Progression Scheme (PPS) and are included in the Section hand books.

The Scout Method – This is how Scouting Ireland delivers its Aim and is made up of 8 elements, all of which are of equal importance. The Scout Method helps promote learning by doing by working in small groups, where adults and young people work together to achieve personal progression using the symbolic framework for the section, incorporating nature and outdoors as well as service and commitment and guided by a code of living we call the Scout promise and Law.

The Personal Progression Scheme (PPS) – this is made up of 5 areas. The learning objectives or SPICES which are outlined the section handbooks, Adventure Skills, Special Interest Badges, Nautical Badges and Chief Scout Award.  It is important to remember that the focus should be across all areas and not just on one area such as adventure skills. Each young person is responsible for their personal progression and should be fully involved in designing their experiences in an age appropriate way with the support and assistance of adult Scouters.

Plan, Do, Review – Programme is planned, activities are run, and then the whole process needs to be reviewed. This is an important part of the personal journey as it allows the young person to learn by doing and to reflect on their new knowledge, skills and attitudes. It allows them to see their own progress and move forward to new discoveries and experiences.

Role of the Scouter – The role of a Scouter is that of a mentor or facilitator. A Beaver Scout or Cub Scout will require more adult input and support than a Scout or Venture Scout; a Rover Scout should be virtually autonomous needing little support. Ensure the young people are a part of the Leadership Team.

Where to get help

 Your County Programme Co-Ordinator and the National Programme Team for each Section will provide additional support if you ask them. The teams can be contacted by the relevant email address which can be found HERE…

Other useful materials

Find out more about each Programme Section

There are also a variety of publications for sale in The Scout Shop such as: the Scout Section Handbooks, the Adventure Skills Book, The Scouting Trail