Note: Any matter that concerns safeguarding issues, must be referred immediately to the Safeguarding Team. See Safeguarding Children and Young People

Scouting Ireland recognises the importance of encouraging and promoting effective working relationships between all who work for or participate in the organisation. From time to time, the relationship between people may become strained and lead to a situation where some intervention is required to resolve any conflicts, disputes or differences and to restore confidence and trust. Conflict can be a positive thing if handled properly or it can lead to discord, grievances and disputes if not. See a separate article for Conflict Resolution

If reasonable attempts at Conflict Resolution fail then SID-CD01 Grievance and Disputes Policy and SID-CD01A Grievance and Disputes Procedures should be referred to for guidance on how to proceed.

The Grievance Procedure

This is the first formal step. It involves documenting the grievance and appointing a suitable person to attempt to resolve the matter amicably. If any party to the grievance is still unsatisfied after the Grievance Procedure has completed, then they may raise a Dispute.

The Dispute Procedure

This involves referring the matter in writing to the Disputes Resolution and Appeals Panel who may organise a Dispute Hearing Panel to investigate and make recommendations. When the Dispute Resolution and Appeals Panel are satisfied that the Dispute Hearing Panel has competed its work properly, the outcome is notified to all who are party to the Dispute.

The Appeals Procedure

If any party to the Dispute feels that they have grounds for an Appeal, they must submit their case in writing to the Dispute Resolution and Appeals Panel. There is a small charge to cover the handling of each Appeal submitted. The Disputes Resolution and Appeal Panel may organise an Appeal Panel to consider the Appeal and to make recommendations. When the Dispute Resolution and Appeals Panel are satisfied that the Appeal Panel has competed its work properly, the outcome is notified to all who are party to the Dispute.

Referral to Disciplinary

If following the conclusion of the Grievance and Disputes Procedures, a Dispute Hearing Panel recommends that any member should have their membership, appointment or position terminated, cancelled, withdrawn, or suspended, the matter must be referred to the Disciplinary Procedures

Matters Involving Scouting Ireland staff members

Any grievance or dispute which concerns a member of Scouting Ireland’s staff, other than the CEO, will be dealt with directly by the CEO under the appropriate procedures in accordance with the Employee Handbook. Any such grievance or dispute should be by way of a formal (signed) letter addressed to the CEO. The person who instigates such a grievance or dispute must be informed that the process has been completed, by the CEO, when the matter has reached its conclusion.

Any grievance or dispute concerning the CEO must be raised with the Board who will then appoint a three-person panel from within its number to deal with the matter and report back to the Board within a defined timeframe. Any such grievance or dispute should be by way of a formal (signed) letter addressed to the Chairman of the Board.