Having adequate and correct insurance cover for your members is vital. There are numerous options available to Scout Groups. You may choose to use your own insurance brokers or company; alternatively you can take out insurance through Scouting Ireland’s brokers.

Your Group Council must ensure that all your members, property and activities are adequately covered for the possible occurrence of an accident, fire, or theft. Cover must be adequate, current insurance best practice must be applied and any requirements of the insurance policy/policies must be complied with at all times.

Scouting Ireland Insurance

Part of your annual registration fee covers both public liability and personal accident insurance.

The Public Liability insurance indemnifies Scouting Ireland and its members against claims for compensation, costs and expenses arising from accidental death, injury or illness to any person or accidental damage to property arising out of normal scouting activities.

The Personal Accident aspect of the policy provides limited benefits for medical and dental expenses in the event of a member of Scouting Ireland suffering injury or death as a result of an accident occurring during an activity which is covered by the policy.

Certain Marine Craft are covered by Scouting Ireland’s insurance policy while others are not.

It is important to note that certain activities are excluded from the insurance cover. If in doubt about any activity, venue or any aspect of insurance you should contact National Office or our insurance brokers for assistance.

Using property or premises owned by others

From time to time, you may wish to use a venue that is not normally covered under the policy such as a Coillte Forest or a Government facility. In this case, the owners/managers of premises or land to be used for scout activities may seek a letter of indemnity or a copy of the insurance policy. National Office can issue these on request, provided sufficient notice is given.

Agreement to cover additional liabilities

Some organisations providing activities or use of premises or land may request that members of Scouting Ireland enter into an agreement which may impose additional liabilities on the organisation and potential liabilities which could be uninsured. Any such request should be notified to Scouting Ireland’s insurance brokers well in advance to ensure that Scouting Ireland and its members are adequately protected.

Optional additional cover

Scouting Ireland’s insurance brokers offer insurance to cover Scout Group property (den and equipment) and travel insurance where necessary.

Property Insurance. Equipment needs to be covered for all risks. You must ensure that you are covered for equipment stored in your stores but also that the equipment is covered when you are moving it and when you are using it outside of the normal storage area.

Travel Insurance is important when travelling abroad. You can organise your own or avail of the travel insurance offered through Scouting Ireland’s brokers. Before you take out cover, you need to be aware of any long-term illnesses which members of your group may have and find out if the members have personal health insurance as both of these factors can impact the cost. It is vitally important that you advise of any existing medical conditions as this may impact your ability to claim if this information is not disclosed and a situation occurs.

Public liability insurance should also be taken out to cover users of your premises. Your registration fee covers members of Scouting Ireland but not those who might visit on special occasions or for specific events or others using you premises.

This Insurance Briefing for Scouters issued in 2019 provides additional details.