One of the many things that make our movement unique is that it is part of a world organisation, the World Organisation of the Scout Movement (WOSM). Getting involved in International Scouting adds another dimension to your local Scouting and provides a special element to your youth members. Travelling aboard for summer camps, making partnerships with groups in other countries, attending international jamborees and conferences and hosting international guests are all ways to add that international element into your Scouting.

As adults is Scouting, it falls to all of us to encourage youth members to get involved in some of the above international elements and to incorporate those activities into their Scouting experience.

International Support Team

Scouting Ireland’s International Support Team provide a continuous stream of information on jamborees, events and conferences that are happening across the world for Scouting. attendance in place.

The International Support maintain a Facebook Page which you might like to visit, and you can contact them by email at

International summer camps

Scout, Venture Scout and Rover Scout sections should be aiming to travel aboard every second year if it is financially viable. Countdown to International Summer Camp is a valuable resource which outlines everything you need to do to get an international camp off the ground and the International Camp Process must be followed. You can also get help from your Scout County Team and your Scout Province’s International Representative.


 Scout Jamborees are held all over the world every year (mostly in Summer). Scouting Ireland also runs International Jamborees from time to time; It would be a very worthwhile experience to attend one of these, particularly if your Scout Group is not in a position to travel abroad.

Every four years, a World Scout Jamboree is held. Scouting Ireland generally sends a contingent to these consisting of a Contingent Management Team, adult Scouters, youth members and International Support Staff. There are great opportunities for young people and adults to meet other Scouts at world events like this.

World Friendships

 This is a way to bring International Scouting to any programme Section. Scouting Ireland has a programme that will link you with a group or a section in the country of your choice. All you have to do is email the International Team to express interest. If you set up one yourself, send the team an email so they can keep record of all the world friendships.

Hosting international groups

From time to time the International Team receives requests from Scout Groups from other countries to meet up with or hold joint camps in Ireland with Irish Scout Groups. If this is something which may be of interest to you contact the International Support Team.