Your Scout Group will need a range of resources to operate successfully. In particular you will need access to a meeting place and you will need equipment to pursue an active outdoor programme.

Ideally each Scout Group should have access to a place where all sections meet. It should be outfitted and decorated in a way that makes it clear that it is a centre for an active Scout programme. Many Scout Groups will have a committee or team which looks after maintenance and upkeep of the Scout Hall/Den.

Your Scout Group will need to own, or have access to, the equipment required to provide an active Scouting programme incorporating at least some of the Adventure Skills, Air Activities, Backwoods, Camping, Emergencies, Hillwalking, Paddling, Pioneering, Rowing, and Sailing. Your Group Council should appoint a person to act as Group Quartermaster / Bo‘sun to look after Group equipment. If there is a lot of Scout Group equipment the Group Quartermaster may have a team to help him/her.

Group Council and the Group Quartermaster / Bo’sun should ensure that any Scout Group property (including equipment) is looked after properly, that it is properly insured when in storage, being transported, and in use by members of the Scout Group.

So you should ensure that Group Council appoint a person, team or committee to look after the meeting place and also a person, team or committee to look after equipment belonging to the Scout Group.

You should also ensure that Scout Group Council regularly get proper reports on the maintenance and upkeep of the Scout hall and Group equipment.

Decisions about buying additional equipment should be reviewed and approved by Scout Group Council so that money is spent wisely and appropriately taking care of the needs of all Sections.

The Role Description for Group Quartermaster / Bo ‘sun is contained in this document: SID SG01 –  Group Appointment Descriptions

Where to get help

 If you need help or support with this area you should raise that at your County Management Committee or directly with the County Commissioner.

The Provincial support staff may also be called upon for assistance.