AIS – Recruiting Adult Volunteers

Scout Groups are strongly encouraged to adopt a proactive attitude and to undertake a systematic approach to adult recruitment. A useful toolkit for this was produced by World Scouting and can be found on their website Read it here…

When recruiting adults, you should use a clear job description to set out the role and responsibilities which they are expected to undertake. A positive attitude and approach are important factors in the adults we recruit, if they have this they can learn the skills and acquire the knowledge required for their role through training and mentoring.

An approach should be agreed by Group Council and generally the Group Leader will play an active part in the process, individual Scouters should not engage in recruiting activities without the agreement of Group Council or the Group Leader (or a Deputy Group Leader).

You should meet with all interested volunteers to ensure you understand the extent to which they are prepared to be involved and to determine their suitability.

Some traits we might look for in our adults include:

  • Ability to communicate and interact with young people
  • Interest in the development of young people
  • An understanding of acceptable boundaries in working with young people, including conversation, smoking, drug and alcohol etc.
  • Ability to work with other adults as part of a team
  • Good communication skills
  • A commitment to ongoing personal development and training
  • Open and positive approach and attitude
  • A belief in Scouting; it’s Aims, Method, Principles, Promise & Law

If they need some convincing you might point out the scope for personal development, adventure, fun and the unique opportunity to work as part of a team with other adults and young people together.

Once you are satisfied that they are willing to volunteer and that they seem suitable the Group Leader should commence the induction process.