Read docmuents about Safeguarding

Scouting Ireland has an obligation to all its members to provide an environment within which Scouting activities can be enjoyed in a safe, non-discriminatory and respectful manner.

Safeguarding our youth members should be paramount in everything we do and say. This item sets out the basics in overview, but you should keep yourself up to date on the Association’s Safeguarding policies and procedures.

As an adult in Scouting you should ensure that you and your team have completed the relevant training and are familiar with Scouting Ireland policies and the legal requirements in relation to the protection of children/vulnerable adults in the jurisdiction in which you operate; Republic of Ireland (ROI) or Northern Ireland (NI).

Scouting Ireland’s BOD-SG-002 Code of Behaviour to Assist Adults Engaging With Children in Scouting contains key information and should be read by all adults in Scouting. It also contains useful fact sheets on social media, transport, medications and bullying.

Reporting a concern

If you think that you have a child protection or child welfare issue you should contact the Safeguarding Department at National Office by dialling 01 4998014 Monday-Friday 9am-5pm or by emailing

The Safeguarding Team will provide information on the best way to approach the issue and provide advice on whether you need to file a report. ‍

If you consider that the child is in immediate danger, please call the Garda Síochana or PSNI directly and then report to the Safeguarding Team as soon as possible.

Information on reporting procedures is contained in BOD-SG001 Child Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy and Procedures and is available separately HERE… for convenient access


Bullying can be a very damaging experience for the target but also for everyone else in the group including the perpetrator(s). Scouters should promote a positive anti-bullying ethos in their programme section and raise awareness, amongst other Scouters and youth members, that bullying must not be tolerated. Scouters should familiarise themselves with the Anti Bullying Guidelines and watch for any signs that may emerge within their Programme Section or Scout Group.


If you follow the guidelines contained in the Code of Behaviour, the Child Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy and Procedures and the Anti Bullying Guidelines document, this will go a long way towards ensuring our youth members are safe and it is also the best way to ensure that our adult members are protected too. If you have any concerns, issues or questions contact the Safeguarding Team.