Progamme Scouters are the people who meet our youth members every week and who accompany them on their activities and adventures.

Their primary responsibility is to support the delivery of Scouting of the highest quality to our youth members.

They work with other Programme Scouters and youth members to:

  • Plan and prepare for weekly meetings, activities, outings and camps
  • Operate and carry out those plans at the meeting or activity


  • Undertake the necessary training for the role
  • Must be aware of the organisation’s safety guidelines and policies
  • May be called upon to attend meetings of the Group Council
  • May attend meetings of the County Board

Programme Scouters may be called upon to act as team lead for a Programme Scouter Team, which involves:

  • Coordinating the activities of the Programme Scouter Team.
  • Ensuring the responsibilities of the Programme Scouter Team are carried out in a satisfactory manner
  • Reporting to the Group Leader and to the Group Council regarding the running of the Programme Scouter Team

No Programme Section, Scout Group or Scout County can operate without a whole team of adults who carry out a variety of roles so that the youth members can benefit from an active Scout Programme throughout the year.

Read more about the Programme Scouter Role and the other roles in a Scout Group here:  SID SG01 – Group Appointment Descriptions

Individuals who are prepared to take on the role of Programme Scouter are required to apply for an Appointment and to undertake specific training before they are in a position to supervise / oversee youth members at activities and meetings.