Each Scout Group has a support structure around it in the form of the Scout County and Scout Province. These layers are in place, not to increase workload on you, but to provide you and your Scout Group with support.

Your Group Leader or a Deputy Group Leader is the representative of your Scout Group at County Management Committee meetings. At these meetings they will met other Group Leaders and the Scout County team and will have the opportunity to discuss issues, to benefit from their experiences, and to work together with them on joint or common issues.

Voluntary organisations today are highly regulated, this puts the onus on those in charge to be fully accountable for how the organisation conducts its affairs. That said, Scouting remains a voluntary movement of and for young people, supported primarily by Adult Volunteers at all levels. Inclusive decision-making is essential to ensure quality decisions that are informed by the views and experiences of all of those involved and to enable the successful delivery of our educational and developmental objectives.

Support from the Scout County

The Scout County comprises of a number of Scout Groups who co-operate for their mutual benefit, it is in this way that the Scout Group should find most support.

Some examples:

Programme – The County Programme Coordinator (CPC) leads the County Programme Team. This team is there to support the Sections in your Scout Group. They do this by providing advice, organizing help and sometimes by running County events.

Finance – One of the functions of the County Treasurer is to support each Group Treasurer in all aspects of their job.

Training – The function of the County Training Coordinator (CTC) is to co-ordinate training needs and attendance within the Scout County.

Other Scout Groups – Other Scout Groups may be able to give you a hand in a whole range of ways, for example, if you wish to borrow equipment, share activities, swap skills, etc.

SID SC01 – The Scout County

SID MA03 – County Appointment Descriptions

Support from the Scout Province

One role of the Scout Province is to support Scout County Teams, and there are some specific ways in which they can support your Scout Group directly:

International – Each Scout Province has an International Team Representative. Part of their role is to encourage and support your Scout Group if they are planning overseas activities or activities with Scouts from other countries.

Training – Each Scout Province maintains a panel of trained trainers who organise and deliver training for adult members of the Association. The Provincial Training Coordinator manages the panel and the delivery of this training.

Youth Programme & Adults Resources – The Provincial Youth Programme Representative and the Provincial Adult Resources Representative support the Scout County teams to provide direct support to your Scout Group in relation to youth Programme delivery and adult volunteers.

SID 17-04 – The Scout Province

SID 130-05 – Provincial Appointment Descriptions