AIS – Welcoming Adults to Scouting (Induction)

The Scouting Ireland induction process is a supported journey that an adult will partake in when they show an interest in being a Scouter. This process is also used to support youth members who seek to become Scouters but are not required to undertake ‘The Story of Scouting’ eLearning Module and interactive (instructor-led) training course.

Each adult undertaking the induction process will be given an Induction Handbook containing useful information which they should refer to during their induction.

The induction process is our way of ensuring that adult volunteers understand what they are taking on and are assigned to a Programme Section which best suits their interests and skills and which also best fills the Scout Group’s need for well-staffed Programme Scouter Teams.

The Group Leader will oversee the induction process in your Scout Group and they may, if they wish, ask another Scouter to facilitate the process for each new Scouter. The person facilitating the induction process is referred to as the ‘Induction Facilitator’.

If there is anything that the interested volunteer does not understand or wishes to know more about, they are advised to ask their Induction Facilitator about it. The Induction Facilitator is there to help and guide them through this introduction to Scouting.

Where the Group Leader is not acting as the Induction Facilitator him/herself, they still have a role to ensure that the interested volunteer completes the required forms, undergoes Garda or Access NI vetting and doesn’t start to engage with Youth Members until they have completed the required training. They also monitor the induction process for each volunteer to ensure it is done properly.

You may find the Welcoming Adults to Scouting – Induction publication useful to help explain the process.